Your Key Collage Journey

A six-month process of Finding Your Feelings

During the six-month Key Collage process, Kay leads you on a unique journey to help you discover how to find your deepest emotions, release the emotions you don’t need any more, and treasure those you want to keep. 

This program includes 12 one-on-one sessions with Kay, 2 sessions each month. Of the 52 emotions in the Finding Your Feelings book and card deck, you’ll process 24 emotions—12 higher-frequency emotions (like happy) and 12 lower-frequency emotions (like sad). You’ll work with Kay to explore these emotions, remembering when you’ve felt these emotions in the past, and discovering where you hold each emotion in your body.

At the end of your 12 sessions, you’ll have a tool you can use for greater understanding of the emotions that guide you—those that are helping you, those that might be holding you back, and those you no longer need. 

[Click here to sign up for your 12 sessions for a one-time payment of $1500 or three monthly payments of $600. Your sessions include a free copy of the Finding Your Feelings book and card deck—a $65 value.]

What happens during a Key Collage session? 

During your session with Kay:

  • You’ll discuss the answers you’ve recorded in your Finding Your Feelings book, the collages you’ve created, and any discoveries you’ve made.

  • Then Kay will lead you on a journey with guidance from a card you pick from the original, members-only Key Collage deck; a card from the Finding Your Feelings deck; or a card or collage you’ve created for yourself. On this meditative journey, you connect with your emotions in a deeper way, embracing the emotions that are helping you, and releasing the emotions you no longer need.

Why does the Key Collage process work? 

We all have answers and feelings somewhere inside us, but thinking logically doesn’t always lead us to the truth. Sometimes logic simply leads us to the answer or feeling we think we’re looking for or society has led us to believe is right. 

The Key Collage process gives you access to the messages and feelings hidden in your heart—the place where your truth lies. 

Will the Key Collage process work for me? 

If you’re feeling unsettled about the direction your life is taking or you’re feeling unfulfilled with some aspect of your life, maybe that’s because you’re following someone else’s dreams instead of following your own. Maybe you’re only allowing yourself to feel emotions that society or your family insists are OK to feel. If you want help figuring out which direction or path to take next, the Key Collage process could give you the key that will unlock the truth deep in your heart. 

[Click here to sign up for your 12 sessions, which include a free copy of the Finding Your Feelings book and card deck—a $65 value.]

During your individual sessions, Kay will show you how you can unlock your own inner truth and depth of feelings.

To talk with Kay about taking the Key Collage journey, click the Schedule button for a free appointment.

The original Key Collage deck

The first Key Collage deck, over 20 years in the making, is an unpublished hand-crafted set of 74 image cards.

Using these nonpublic cards, Kay leads you on a gentle guided process that gives you a key to answer a question or address an issue. Often you know the answer to a question you’re grappling with, but you can’t see the answer because you’re stuck thinking logically instead of letting your heart speak the truth. With Key Collage card readings, you’ll go deep within your heart to find the answer waiting for you there.

The gentle guided process of Key Collage card readings gives you a key to answer a question or address an issue.

To schedule your appointment today, click the Schedule button.

With your card reading you may unlock the path to

Inner peace
Your inner voice
Your inner wisdom
Your potential
Your creativity
Your health
Your deepest feelings
Your future