The Key Collage process takes you on a guided journey that helps you discover more meaning in the Key Collage Feelings cards. In the Key Collage process, you’ll first allow your body to relax, and then you’ll answer a series of questions about what you see on the card you’ve chosen. Then you’ll close your eyes and go on a journey to some imaginary place where you’ll meet someone or find something that gives you answers or insights.

The reason this process works is because when you go on this journey you’re relaxed and allowing yourself to see through the eyes of your heart. You get to let your logical brain rest and go into the intuitive space in your heart where all your deepest wisdom is stored.

I’ve included a recording of one of the Key Collage journeys here. If you need help interpreting your answers to my questions, you can book a Key Collage session with me by going to the Schedule page.

Before you start your first Key Collage journey, I’m going to tell you a little bit about what happens during the Key Collage process. First, you come up with a question or issue that you want guidance with or insight into. If you don’t have a specific question, that’s OK. You can also ask a generic question like, “What’s the next thing I need to know to help me with my career, or my relationship, or my finances.” Or even, “What would be useful to know to make today be better?”

After you know what you want to ask or focus on for this journey, you’ll do the first half of the guided meditation to help you relax. Then with your eyes closed, you’ll shuffle through the Key Collage deck and pick a card for today. When you open your eyes and look at your card, you’ll answer the first set of questions about what you see. 

After you finish with the questions, you’ll close your eyes again and continue on a Key Collage journey where you’ll meet someone or find something that will help you with your quest. By the end of the process, the card and your journey will have told you what you need to know to answer your question or deal with your issue.

When you’re ready to start your journey, write down your question, press Play to start the recording, and close your eyes