How many times have you heard emotion-limiting comments like:

  • “Only sissies cry.”

  • “Nice girls don’t get angry.”

  • “You look so much better when you smile.”

  • “Stop your crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.”

Most of us eventually learn we have to be careful how we let others see what we’re feeling. For many of us, we soon learn it’s safer to bury our emotions all together:

It’s easier not to cry if we’ve pushed our sadness so deep we don’t feel it anymore. 

It’s easier to smile on demand when we only have to pretend we’re happy.

This book, along with the Key Collage deck of feeling cards, will help you learn how to find the places where you’ve stored your old emotions and begin actually feeling instead of just acting like you’re feeling your emotions.

You’ll write, collage, draw, color, and paint your way down a path that allows you to open your heart where your deepest emotions are waiting for you.
