
Finding Your Feelings

A to Z

Are you able to feel your emotions
to the depth you would like to feel them?

Or are you finding
yourself stuck
in emotions
you would like to release,
or unable to find the emotions
you would like to feel
more deeply?

The Finding Your Feelings book, along with the Key Collage® deck of feeling cards, will help you feel all your emotions and keep them balanced. Even though there are a lot of emotions you might not like feeling, every emotion has a purpose, each emotion is as valuable as the next, and each emotion is telling you something important. 

Now you can learn how to find the places where you’ve stored your old emotions and begin actually feeling instead of just acting like you’re feeling your emotions. With the prompts inside Finding Your Feelings, you’ll write, collage, draw, color, and paint your way down a path that allows you to open your heart where your deepest emotions are waiting for you.

Get free limited-time access to the Introduction and first two emotions in Finding Your Feelings by leaving your name and email address below.

About Kay Rettich


About Kay Rettich

Kay Rettich loves to write and collage for personal growth and discovery. By combining her writing with her collaging skills, Kay created Key Collage™ to show others how to unlock the riddles to discovering their emotions and feeling fully alive. Her guided meditations take explorers on a journey down paths into their imagination where jewels of potential await. As they collect keys and gather jewels along the way, clients learn how to unlock new paths to find and fulfill the facets of their deepest dreams and feelings.