Finding Your Feelings Card Deck


Finding Your Feelings Card Deck


The Key Collage Feelings cards are designed to help you find, identify, and learn from your emotions. The goal is to help you feel all your emotions and keep them balanced. Even though there are a lot of emotions most people don’t like feeling, every emotion has a purpose, each emotion is as valuable as the next, and each emotion is telling you something important.

The deck comes with multiple approaches for using the cards to find your emotions. Then after you find and feel the emotion, you’re given a list of questions. You can answer the questions in your head, in the Finding Your Feelings book, or in your journal with any combination of words and pictures.

As with reading the accompanying Finding Your Feelings book, the more often you use your cards, the deeper and more meaningful your connection with your feelings will be.

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Save money and purchase both the book and cards at the same time. Book and Card Deck Combo $57.95